October 27, 2008

Orange Jack-o'-Lanterns


  • 4 navel oranges
  • 2 pints mango, passion-fruit, or orange sorbet, softened


  1. Slice off the top quarter of each orange, and reserve for lid. Using a grapefruit spoon or paring knife, scoop or cut out interior of oranges. Reserve flesh for another use, such as fresh orange juice.
  2. Draw a jack-o'-lantern face freehand. Tape paper to hollowed orange, and cut out features with a craft knife or other small, sharp knife.
  3. Pack each orange with sorbet, and top it with a "lid." Bend floral wire, and poke it in -- not through -- top of orange for tendrils. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet, and place in the freezer until firm, about 30 minutes. Oranges with sorbet can be frozen for up to 3 days