March 20, 2008

Marshmallow Easter Egg Treats

Well, for all of you with little kids at home, I think I have found the most fun activity for your Friday. (ok- I don't have kids at home, but I still had fun making the marshmallow eggs as a full fledged adult)
You can just use the recipe to make delicious homemade marshmallows of you can dip them in chocolate. If you do decide to dip them in chocolate, my tip is to buy really good yummy chocolate. It just makes it so much more enjoyable than if using the gross cheap chocolate. I am addicted to the Russell Stovers marshmallows covered in chocolate and also the See's Candy brand chocolate covered marshmallows. They aren't working to well with my Weight Watchers diet! But any who, here is the recipe...
2 pkg. unflavored Knox gelatin softened in 2 tbsp. cold water 1 cup boiling water
2 cups sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Dipping chocolate
Before you get started, pour a large amount of flour into a cake pan, and make indention's with plastic eggs or real eggs to act as your mold. Set this aside, so you can later pour your marshmallows into the molds.
In bowl, place 2 packages of Knox gelatin and add 2 Tbs. of cold water. Stir until dissolved. Add 1 cup boiling water and salt and stir until well dissolved, then add two cups of sugar and again stir until well dissolved.
Now mix with a hand mixer for 15-20 minutes until the marshmallow is nice and thick. In the last two minutes of mixing add vanilla and food coloring if you wish.
Spoon marshmallow into egg molds. You can put the cake pan into the fridge to harden more quickly. It should not take longer than an hour. Once the marshmallow is firm enough, pat all sides of the marshmallow with flour. Tap off flour before dipping in chocolate. Let dry on wax paper and then enjoy!